Center for Development of Character Education (CDCE)

Center for Development of Character Education (CDCE) merupakan sebuah bangunan yang akan menjadi bangunan yang fungsinya sebagai pusat pembangunan karakter mahasiswa di kampus UNJ. Bangunan CDCE terdiri dari beberapa ruang perkuliahan, komunal area dan Fasilitas peribadatan. dalam hal ini Masjid yang berlokasi di lantai 3 dan 4 serta lantai mezzanine (lantai 5), gedung CDCE diharapkan dapat menjadi penunjang kegiatan di kampus UNJ.

Center for Development of Character Education (CDCE) is a building that will be serve as the center of student character building in State of University of Jakarta. CDCE building consist of few lecture hall, communal area and worship facilities. in this case the mosque which is located on the 3rd and 4th floor and also mezzanine floor (5th Floor). The CDCE Building is expected to support activities on the State University of Jakarta Campus.

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