The aims of this project are coming from the noble concept below:
- To prepare the state University of Jakarta become World Class Teaching University (WCTU) in 2030
- To engage the State University of Jakarta in the development of science and technology in the basis of respect toward religious values, humanity, and environment
- To engage the state University of Jakarta in entrepreneurship and to build mutually beneficial cooperation with other institutions in Indonesia and overseas for the purpose of achieving a high standard in conducting the Tri Dharma services
- To Develop an information and technological based management system in order to keep up with the global demands for a high standard of information system, both in education for all levels and types of education, as they are in general, vocational and religion-affiliated educational institutions.
So that, to realize all of that aims, the Saudi Fund for Development and the Government of the Republic of Indonesia have been signing loan agreement for funding “The Development and Upgrading of the State University of Jakarta Project – Phase II”, on 28 March 2019 (21/07/1440 H), with loan number: 11/740.
In this loan, the project scope includes:
- Construction of four new buildings that will accommodate new classrooms, offices, studios, workshops and laboratories with the support of proper and sufficient resources and teaching aids.
- Construction of Center for Development of Character Education (CDCE)
- Procurement of new furniture and fixture for installment for those five buildings.
- Campus infrastructure, including campus road, landscaping, disposable facilities, and others.
- Academic programs, all soft-skill competency activities for supporting, and management and consulting services. We named it all of that as Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) Based Curriculum Development, which consist of:
- ICT Based Curriculum Development is to Develop:
- Learning Content Development Systems (LCDS),
- Learning Content Management Systems (LCMS),
- Learning Management Systems (LMS), and
- Learning Delivery Systems or Virtual Classrooms Systems.
- Training for the academician and administrative staff consist of overseas and in-country training for doctoral degree and short course training.
- Project Implementation Unit Services
- Consultant Services.
- ICT Based Curriculum Development is to Develop:
With all consideration above, the total cost of the project is about US$ 38,277,000.00. The Financing plan of the project is given in the following table:

The component above that financing by SFD should be procuring by National Competitive Bidding (NCB) for the component packages of Civil and Mechanical Works, Sector Management Information System, Specialized Training for Sector Personnel, Consultancy Service for Construction Supervision (Civil Works), Furnitures and Fixtures, and Support for PIU Staff and Office Equipment.
The Project Implementation Period is started from 13 June 2019 until 31 December 2024 based on Effectiveness Declaration Loan Agreement (LA) Number 11/740 and Loan Registered Number: 1HZXFVGA.